Process Improvement

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Operational Excellence in IT
Operational efficiency and effectiveness in the business environment requires a keen understanding of the complex nature and interactions among software, hardware and personnel. Organizations can approach the challenge through Service Management Processes that can help define, integrate and manage as many processes with a repeatable pattern of execution or flow as possible.
ISO/IEC 20000 Service Management System
ISO/IEC 20000 is the international standard for service management. Part 1 of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard lays out a specification for a service management system (SMS). Part 2 provides guidance on SMS implementation. Certification in ISO 20000-1 serves as an industry qualification that the organization is able to meet the international benchmark of Managing the Services by the organization.
Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
ITIL adapts all common frameworks of practices and unites all domains of IT Service provision to deliver value to business. ITIL is the most practical approach to Service Management.
- It is vendor-neutral
- It is non-prescriptive
- It is best practice
- Deliver value for customers through services
- Integrate the strategy for services with the business strategy and customer needs
- Measure, monitor and optimize It services and service provider performance
- Manage the IT investment and budget
- Manage risk
- Manage knowledge
- Manage capabilities and resources to deliver services effectively and efficiently
- Enable adoption of a standard approach to serve management across the enterprise
- Change the organizational culture to support the achievement of sustained success
- Improve the interaction and relationship with customers
- Coordinate the delivery of goods and services across the value network
- Optimize and reduce costs
Today's complex IT systems contain more consonants and variables than any single human mind can process and comprehend. Nbiz Infosol uses a phased approach to create a lifecycle to automate service management processes.
The Lifecycle Phase: Service Strategy – provides guidance on how to design, develop and implement Service management as an organization capability but more so as a strategic asset. This phase involves the following activities/processes
- Strategy management for IT Services
- Demand Management
- Service portfolio management
- Financial Management for IT Services
- Business Relationship Management
The Lifecycle Phase: Service Transition – provides guidance on the development and improvement of capabilities for transitioning new and changed services into operations. This phase involves the following activities/processes:
- Change Management
- Service Asset and Configuration Management
- Knowledge Management
- Release and Deployment Management
- Transition Planning and Support
- Service Validation and Testing
- Change Evaluation
The Lifecycle Phase: Service Design – provides guidance for the design and development of services and service management processes. This phase involves the following activities/processes:
- Design Coordination
- Service Level Management
- Service Catalogue Management
- Availability Management
- Information Security Management
- Supplier Management
- Capacity Management
- IT Service Continuity Management
The Lifecycle Phase: Service Operation - provides guidance on achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery and support of Services to ensure value for customer and the Service Provider. This phase involves the following activities/processes:
- Incident Management
- Problem Management
- Event Management
- Request Management
- Access Management
The Lifecycle Phase: Continuous Service Improvement – This phase involves the 7-Step Improvement process. CSI also includes the following methods and techniques:
- Return on Investment
- Assessments
- Benchmarking
- Service Measurement
- Metrics
- Service Reporting
NBIZ prides itself as being a one-stop IT Solution provider to enable businesses. Information Technology Services Management lies at the heart of our specializations and we provide the start to end solutions and services for your every need.
NBIZ will sit down with you and understand your requirements and provide you the proper guidance to get you in the right path for your organization. We can help you achieve ISO 20000 certification if required or simply setup your IT Services in a manner acceptable to your organization with realistic goals and justifiable budget. We pride our company in providing the right solutions for the right requirements. We help organizations understand their needs and not just provide them with their wants. We position ourselves not just as a provider but more importantly a partner.
We can train your personnel and get them up to speed in the knowledge they require. We provide ITIL Foundation to Expert Training and ISO 20000 Implementer and Lead Auditor Trainings. We can help you find the right person to do the job. Through our resource augmentation services we can get you the manpower you need.