Infra Structure Security

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HIDS, NIDS, IPS related Solutions
To make sure that we are combating, preventing or more appropriately mitigating the risks of data escaping from the organizationsTo prevent unauthorized access and traffic. However, no security plan is fool-proof, so it is equally important to monitor and log activity in case a breach occurs.
Two main classes of tools are available to aid with intrusion detection: host intrusion detection software (HIDS) for individual devices/clients and network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) for network level monitoring. The fundamental role of both of these security products is to monitor communication 24/7 to detect, alert, and (if configured to do so) block surreptitious traffic on a critical network.
- All methods of intrusion detection (ID) involve the gathering and analysis of information from various areas within a computer or network to identify possible threats posed by hackers and crackers inside or outside the organization.
- Host-based and network-based ID systems have their respective advantages and limitations. The most effective protection for a proprietary network is provided by a combination of both technologies.
- Implementation of Enterprise threat Management system
- Configure,manage and support Enterprise security Managmenet solutions
- Technical support for Network Security products & using the best Intrusion Prevention solutions
- DMZ gateway products implementation such as firewall, Secured wifi access point solutions.
Deploying HIDS and NIDS on critical control devices and networks provides important protective measures and enables quicker responses and better forensic data for security events. Below products which provides Network, threat security. We Nbiz provides support when you engage our services. Secpoint is the leader in next-generation threat protection, stopping advanced malware, zero-day, and targeted APT attacks that bypass traditional defenses.
Below are few best solutions for HIDS & NIDS where Nbiz offers to our clients to avoid any security risks.
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IDS Vs Firewall?
The quick answer is no. Unfortunately, IDS is commonly mistaken for a firewall or as a substitute for a firewall. While they both relate to network security, an IDS differs from a firewall in that a firewall looks out for intrusions in order to stop them from happening. The firewall limits the access between networks in order to prevent intrusion and does not signal an attack from inside the network. An IDS evaluates a suspected intrusion once it has taken place and signals an alarm. An IDS also watches for attacks that originate from within a system. The network-based intrusion protection system can also detect malicious packets that are designed to be overlooked by a firewall's simplistic filtering rules.
An IDS is not a replacement for either a firewall or a good antivirus program. An IDS should be considered a tool to use in conjunction with your standard security products (like anti-virus and a firewall) to increase your system-specific or network-wide security.
While many in the security industry believe IPS is the way of the future and that IPS will take over IDS, it is somewhat of an apples and oranges comparison. The two solutions are different in that one is a passive detection monitoring system and the other is an active prevention system. The age-old debate of why you want to would be passive when you could be active comes into play. You can also evaluate the implementation of a more mature IDS technology, versus the younger, less established IPS solutions. The drawbacks mentioned regarding IDS can largely be overcome with proper training, management, and implementation. Plus, overall an IDS solution will be cheaper to implement. Many, however, look at the added benefits of the intuitive IPS systems and believing that IPS is the next generation of IDS choose to use the newer IPSs as opposed to the IDSs. Adding to the muddle, of course, will be your initial decision of choosing host-based or network-based systems for either IDS or IPS security solutions.